Aligning Your Team for Success in 2024
The starting lineup of a team is key to the level of effectiveness and execution in meeting business targets and strategic goals. Clarity on organizational goals and resources to achieve the goals are necessary to ensure everyone is engaged and aligned to work toward a successful and fulfilling 2024.
It’s the same with any business. If team members are not synchronized, pulling together toward a shared, fully understood goal, things don’t progress as they could and should. More than ever, true success is dependent on how well the people are aligned to the organization – and to each other.
The last quarter of the year is a great time to assess, align, and energize your team for that final push into the new year, setting them up for success in 2024. Starting the year with every employee on board and working in harmony is the goal, and Ntrinsx is a great tool to help you get there.
At FocusWorks, we are certified specialists in the use of Ntrinsx, a color-based, integrated suite of training resources that gives people a practical way to engage with each other respectfully, creating a culture of understanding across your organization. Ntrinsx fosters communication and engagement, which improves productivity and reduces turnover. Ntrinsx also provides a way to address unhealthy conflict and resolve disputes. It also helps you build a solid foundation for future DEI initiatives.
Understanding the uniqueness and inherent values of those we engage with is essential for any successful endeavor. FocusWorks incorporates the Ntrinsx temperament theory into our programs, giving you access to social intelligence tools that help you interpret your own results and better relate to your team members. As a leader, you’ll learn to leverage a natural process that will create new levels of respect and understanding within your organization.
Understanding Human Behavior with Ntrinsx is a series of five courses to equip your team in building a “culture of respect.” The sessions offer an interactive learning experience covering the following:
- Understanding People: Understanding ourselves and others based on their temperament. Great for self-awareness for team members.
- The Color of Change: How temperament impacts the way we think about and deal with change. Recognizing how each member shows up for the team.
- The Color of Communication: How we naturally communicate based on our temperament and how to communicate with others based on their temperament. Ensures clarity for everyone to understand and achieve team goals.
- The Color of Conflict &Stress: How to handle conflict and how conflict relates to stress differently based on temperament. Great for when the team encounters a distraction or are pending a game changing play for a team win!
- Team Performance – Engagement and Accountability: What motivates people and how to engage them in the organization’s mission; how to set expectations and hold people accountable based on their temperament. Promotes inclusivity with everyone playing their part on the team for efficiency and success!
2024 is sure to be another interesting ride with the usual bumps and unexpected moves on the playing field. FocusWorks and Ntrinsx are ready to help position and align your team for organizational success with full momentum!